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I Would Like to Personally Welcome You to Wealthy Affiliate!

Wealthy-Affiliate-logoYou have made the right choice to join the most successful community in the world. Wealthy Affiliate is the most exciting place to learn how to build solid online business. You will be realizing this more and more as you go through the training.

 Here is the best part about Wealthy Affiliate:

  • You get a chance to interact with some of the most experienced marketers in the industry.
  • Get hands on step by step training on how to build an authority website that will bring consistent profits year after year.
  • Utilize latest tools and techniques that really work today to drive traffic to your website and make sure your website converts.


Now that you have become a Premium member and unveiled all the areas of membership you have access to the full training guide which I urge you to start with. I just want to share my ideas with you in choosing what direction to take in affiliate marketing, you will learn more about this in: “Getting Started” guide. However it is important to decide before you commit to your niche and start building a website.

There are 2 main approaches when it comes to which route to take in building your business in affiliate marketing:

First approach is faster but profits depend on how hot the industry is

This is where you get to choose any niche you like, for example clothing, electronics, sporting goods, different programs like weight loss, dieting supplements, fitness or anything else. It is easier and much faster to kick start your business in any given niche and start earning revenue from it, however your are tide up to that specific niche and dependent on frequent sales. If products you are promoting are in high demand you make good money however if demand on them goes down you make less money.

Usually marketers build several websites in different niches to earn consistent revenue. The main job here is to tap in to hot niches which sell really well and you will be successful. This type of website takes anywhere from 2-6 months to setup.

Second approach is slower but profits are recurring and accumulating

This is where you promote Wealthy Affiliate itself and earn recurring commission. This niche is called: “Make Money Online”. I personally chose this niche as I was able to easily relate myself to it since I have tried many programs online until I found Wealthy Affiliate and plus it fit my personality really well.

The best part is that you receive roughly 50% recurring commissions every month from signups and as you refer new members your commissions only accumulate. It takes longer to setup this type of website typically 6-12 months but it can be more rewarding. There is special training called “Affiliate Bootcamp” with step by step guide, it is super amazing and includes everything you need to learn in order to build an authority website and drive traffic to it.

You can think about it and decide what to focus on, but just keep in mind it is easier and more fun to build a website in the niche you have some interest in as it will be easier to write content for it. As far as choosing the right approach I would say think of your ambitions: Are you the type of person who wants to see faster results and like to focus on different things or you rather work on one idea and spend more time on it but enjoy more consistent results?

Lastly remember Hard Work pays off. Wealthy Affiliate is not a “Get Rich Quick” Scam but instead a Real method to build successful online business. You have all the tools and help you need along the way, therefore I urge you to never feel like you are stuck, always interact with community, Private Message Kyle & Carson, send me a message directly and I will be more than happy to help out.

See you around and make sure to Have Fun!