- in Interesting Reads by Dianne Pajo
Ways You Can Authentically Engage With Your Customers

When you’re not putting in the effort to communicate with the customers of your business effectively, things can go downhill quickly. Talking with your customers, addressing their concerns, and explaining your products is vital for sales. If this is an aspect you’re struggling with, use our tips to authentically engage with your customers to build a business that shows you care.
Build a Community Online
If you’re not on any kind of social media platform yet, you’re communicating with your customers all wrong. Brands and businesses have been creating communities and online forums for ages because it brings your target audience into one conjoined space. When like-minded individuals follow your brand, you can smoothly and efficiently interact with them in a safe space. Consider social media such as Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, etc.
Make the Customers a Part of Your Brand
Would you be more likely to purchase a product from a brand that includes the opinions of its customers or one that simply ignores advice and suggestions? Obviously, you want to purchase from a business that takes the time to value the feedback from its loyal customers. This could mean leaving polls or questionnaires on Twitter or Instagram to ask the opinion of customers, or you could feature a customer of the month across your platforms to show appreciation.
Include Calls to Action in Your Packaging
One strategy to authentically engage with your customers is by including a call to action within your packaging. In fact, different types of packaging inserts can boost your brand and create more awareness. Think business cards, personalized notes, or a card with your social media handles. These inserts can include a note asking customers to leave a review on your products, post their unboxing experience, or follow you on social media.
Respond Quickly and Accordingly to Concerns
As with any business, there will be questions, concerns, and feedback from your customers. When instances like this arise, it’s best to address concerns head on instead of beating around the bush. Customers will appreciate a quick and concise reply from you rather than a cryptic message that doesn’t make sense or won’t solve their issue. Respond to customers promptly and accordingly.
Your customers are the backbone of your business. Without them, you wouldn’t have products to sell. Therefore, communicating with them as authentically as possible is the best way to create engagement and a community of customers. What will you do to communicate with your customers better?