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Is DXN A Scam? Let’s Take A Look At This Billion-Dollar MLM Company

Welcome to My DXN Review!
The reishi mushroom or lingzhi or what is popularly called Ganoderma, is a medicinal mushroom that looks like a red kidney. It grows in various hot and humid locations in Asia and probably more in Malaysia. Other networking companies have also used this for the same purpose, and one of which is Gano Excel Coffee.
Quick Summary: DXN is a multi-level marketing company that manufactures and markets dietary supplements containing the mushrooms Ganoderma or Lingzhi. They have a strong retail lineup and their products are praised. In fact, it’s one of the most profitable MLMs in the world.
Overall Rating: 5/10
Recommended: No
Now, we will also be discussing multi-level marketing (MLM) that is also based in Malaysia and also sells products that are Ganoderma-infused.
DXN, a huge MLM company, appears not only to be legit but also promising but is it worth your time or is this just another hype?
In this honest DXN review, we’ll be tackling everything you ought to know about this company. And perhaps, once you’re done with this review, you could probably draw insights that we’ll help you decide to go or not with this opportunity. So let’s get started!
What Is DXN About?
DXN is a multi-Level Marketing company that markets products infused with Ganoderma. It was founded in Malaysia in 1993 by Dr. Lim Siow Jin who is more into herbal medicines as he is an alternative medicine expert.
DXN apparently manufactures these dietary supplements containing reishi mushrooms or what is called Ganoderma or Lingzhi.
DXN products are marketed by affiliated companies Daehsan, Ltd., and Daxen in some countries in Europe and Asia. It was in 2002 when DXN was launched in the USA and the succeeding year (2003), it launched in Canada and Mexico.
It’s said to be a big MLM company as it is a multinational billion-dollar company and it’s one of the most profitable in the world.
DXN Product Line
The main hype of their product line is that they are from Reishi mushrooms or Ganoderma.
DXN is mostly known for its coffee products and Ganoderma-based supplements but they also sell personal and skincare products, cosmetics, household products, appliances, and more.
As mentioned, they manufacture their own products and DXN claims that their farms are one of the biggest in Southeast Asia and that it's the largest Ganoderma company.
They have indeed a wide variety of products marketed. There's too many on the list but their most popular product is their coffees. And apparently, product prices are reasonable and they had great reviews.
Here are some feedbacks about the DXN Reishi Gano Capsules:
Is DXN A Scam?
DXN is not a scam.
It is a legitimate MLM company that’s been manufacturing and selling Ganoderma-infused supplements and coffee along with a variety of products. They have physical products and a compensation plan that enables you to earn money.
It’s also one of those billion-dollar companies that are even coined as a huge MLM.
And also, considering that they’re pretty old in the business scene, counting to 27 years in operation, DXN is indeed an established company that is growing and growing throughout the years.
However, with that long, DXN doesn’t have a Better Bureau Business (BBB) profile. And being an MLM, it would still be tough to succeed as an affiliate. It’s a good MLM though so the choice is yours.
Is DXN A Pyramid Scheme/Ponzi Scheme?
DXN is a legitimate and established MLM that has been operating for more than 2 decades. So, it’s definitely not a Pyramid and Ponzi Scheme.
It’s a real business with real products and benefits.
It comes with tangible products you could earn from and a decent compensation plan built on an MLM platform.
Like usual networking companies, you can also earn more as you build your team and advance in affiliate ranks. Though it encourages recruitment as it is an MLM, revenue is not solely dependent on recruitment as sales volume is taken well into consideration.
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DXN Compensation Plan
Basically as an MLM, you will earn through retail sales and recruitment commissions. But apparently their compensation plan is quite lengthy so I’ll just gonna summarize it and give you a run-through.
Being an MLM, DXN has affiliate ranks that you can achieve and advance through as you excel in your sales and recruiting abilities.
The Affiliate Ranks are as follows:
- Distributor
- Star Agent
- Star Ruby
- Star Diamond
- Executive Star Diamond
- Senior Star Diamond
- Executive Senior Star Diamond
- Double Diamond
- Executive Double Diamond
- Triple Diamond
- Executive Triple Diamond
- Gold Diamond executive Gold Diamond
- Crown Diamond
- Executive Crown Diamond
- Senior Crown Diamond
- Executive Senior Crown Diamond
- Double Crown Diamond
- Executive Double Crown Diamond
- Triple Crown Diamond
- Executive Triple Crown Diamond
- Gold Crown Diamond
- Executive Gold Crown Diamond
- Crown Ambassador
You go up in rank as your team of recruits multiplies and as well as them building their own team of recruits. The higher your rank, the greater the income and bonuses you’ll receive.
See qualification below:
- Retail Commissions - This is the commission you’ll make by selling directly to customers and you’ll earn the difference between the distributor price that you buy products for and the retail price you sell for. It’s 5% to 15% of the retail profit in DXN.
- Group Bonus - This is the commission you’ll make from your personally recruited affiliates. In short, it’s your recruitment commissions. You’ll earn a percentage of all the sales your downline makes and it’s dependent on the volume.
Here's the percentage made based on the volume of products sold:
- 100 PV earns you 6%
- 300 PV earns you 9%
- 1000 PV earns you 12%
- 2000 PV earns you 15%
- 3250 PV earns you 18%
- 4500+ PV earns you 21%
- Star Group Bonus - This bonus allows you to earn the past 21% on personally recruited affiliates. You’ll earn anywhere from 27% -37%. The higher your recruits get in rank, the higher percentage you can earn.
- Development Bonus- this bonus allows you to earn further down your downline. In order to qualify for this, you need to be a Star Diamond rank or higher and maintain a monthly minimum of 100 PV (Personal Volume Sales) and 300 GV (Group Volume Sales). You can earn the following from different levels:
- Level 1 - 5%
- Level 2 - 4%
- Level 3 - 3%
- Level 4 - 2%
- Level 5 - 1%
- Other Bonuses - There are smaller bonuses you can earn with as well including the Leadership Bonus, International Profit Sharing, and Travel Seminar Incentive.
- Leadership Bonus - (15%)To be entitled to this Leadership Bonus, you must be a Qualified Star Diamond (QSD)
- International Profit Sharing - (2%) To be entitled to this International Profit Sharing (IPS) you must also be a Qualified Star Diamond (QSD).
- Travel Seminar Incentive - (2%) shall be used by the qualifier for the travel seminar organized by the Company only. It is not exchangeable for cash and also not transferable.
- Hand Phone Cash Incentive - They also give this one-time cash incentive when an affiliate has 3 immediate SA who achieved 6,000 Accumulated GPV. (Only personally sponsored downlines counted) They will be entitled to receive this One Time Hand Phone Cash Incentive amounting to RM1,050 which is about 252 USD.
To learn more about DXN’s compensation plan, you can watch the video below:
How Much To Join DXN?
Joining DXN affiliate membership costs you to pay €20 or around $23 for the starter kit. This basic kit is a package that includes membership fees and info booklets: DXN information folder, DXN forms, DXN product brochures, and DXN sticker.
However, this does not contain any DXN products. So, you’ll still have to purchase products you’ll have to sell as it is not included in the started kit.
Established MLM
DXN is already operating for 27 years and that’s more than 2 decades. With that long period, they have surely established a brand and a name in the industry. They are even esteemed as one of the billion-dollar companies in the world. And that’s indeed a great accomplishment.
Manufactures Their Own Product
The fact that they manufacture what they sell is a great thing because they have control over their products and know what it is made of. Unlike other MLM companies who take their products from third party suppliers. Their products are as well priced and praised by consumers.
Websites A Little Old-Fashioned
Well, just an honest opinion. The website domain’s a little old. Well, it’s not that they are long in the business but I just hoped that they’ve updated their website with the current to make it more catchy for consumers and potential affiliates.
MLM Recruitment Hype
Just like most MLMs, though not mandatory, you will still opt for recruitment as recruiting people to join DXN’s affiliate program paves the way for you to level up in rank and in turn, earn bigger commissions and bonuses. You should not only be equipped in sales but should be as well good at recruitment. You should have an eye in finding the right people who are also good at recruitment and building a team.
Low Success Rate
It’s not to debunk MLM opportunities but most of the time, MLM affiliates will fail and lose money. Indeed, it’s tough to succeed with MLM opportunities. DXN may have been a rich company but we can’t be certain that all affiliates are earning well. It will really take skillful hands in sales and recruitment.
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Training Tools/Support
Officially joining as an affiliate in DXN, you will get a username and password to their DXN System Intranet – and have a DXN online shopping web store. You’ll also have the resources you’ll need to start your business. Along with your starter kit are the info booklets that will help you with the basics of your personal DXN business.
Final Opinion/Verdict
Unlike other MLMs, DXN is pretty much established. It also comes with a decent compensation plan and it is indeed a legitimate opportunity. However, it still encourages recruitment.
Not only will you worry about your sales but you should also have to strategize how to recruit. So, it’s gonna be a challenge especially for those who are not skilled with it. MLMs also have a low success rate for affiliates.
DXN is not that bad but I believe there are definitely better ways to make money online.
What's Next?
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I hope this DXN review has helped you and if you have questions or comments, please feel free to leave it below. Thank you!