- in Interesting Reads by Dianne Pajo
Work-Life Balance Tips When Working From Home

Working from home has many advantages, but this working arrangement can blur the lines between your professional and personal lives. Without clear boundaries, it’s easy to feel like you haven’t worked enough. Explore these tips for improving your work-life balance when working from home.
1. Create and Maintain a Routine
Creating a daily routine is essential for separating work and home priorities. Establish working hours that align with your peak productive times if you have a flexible schedule.
Define when you start and end work, take breaks, and engage in personal activities. The routine will help you prioritize tasks and feel better about temporarily putting some responsibilities on the back burner.
Smooth Transitions
Routines can also help you transition between work and life modes. You don’t have to commute to work, but leaving the house before and after work can separate work and home life. You might take a walk down the street or down the driveway, but either way, physically moving before and after work can help you establish boundaries.
2. Design an Ergonomic Workspace
An ergonomic workspace is a dedicated space where you focus on work without distractions. If you don’t work in a private home office, you can still transform one designated area into a work-only zone. Consider using physical barriers, such as a bookcase, to separate your workspace from the rest of the room.
Ergonomic office furniture promotes good posture and reduces the risk of strain, helping you make the most of your work hours. An appropriately-sized desk and adjustable chair are two essential furniture pieces for an ergonomic home office that will prevent back aches and shoulder strain.
Work in the Workspace
It might be tempting to check emails in bed, but working in your designated workspace will prevent you from letting your work life slide into your personal life. Prioritize working in your home office space as much as possible rather than bringing work into every part of your home.
3. Take Regular Breaks
Schedule short breaks throughout the day to move, stretch, and recharge. Engage in calming or reinvigorating activities, such as walking, doing mindfulness exercises, or enjoying a hobby.
One of the greatest perks of working from home is being able to tackle chores and other home tasks throughout the day. If it works for you, you can use the built-in breaks in your schedule to do dishes, put laundry in the wash, or do another task. The activity can clear your mind, and you can focus on work after the break.
Maintaining a routine, designing an ergonomic workspace, and taking regular breaks are essential tips for having a quality work-life balance when working from home. Use these tips as guidelines for developing your personal schedule.