Expert Secrets Book Review – Is It Still Relevant In 2021?

Expert Secrets Book Review

Welcome to My Expert Secrets Book Review!

We’ve already reviewed a couple of Russell Brunson books but here’s another one from the three-book series, including Dotcom Secrets and Traffic Secrets

Now, we’re going to discuss another book called Expert Secrets, which is the second installment in the Sales Funnel King’s Secrets Trilogy. 

In case you didn’t know, the Trilogy focuses heavily on helping you scale your business and reach success.

Expert Secrets Book Review Summary

Name: Expert Secrets


Founders: Russell Brunson

Product Type:  Book / Audio Book

Price:  $9.95 For The US Shipping Or $19.95 For International Shipping

Quick Summary:  Expert Secrets is another book created by ClickFunnel’s co-founder, Russell Brunson. It’s a part of his famous trilogy that helps business owners grow their businesses.

This time, it talks about the ways in how an entrepreneur can build an audience and turn it into consumers.

And now, the age-old question: is it worth your money?

Overall Rating: 5/10

Recommended: Yes

This book claims to let you find your voice and move from being transactional to being transformational and can help you turn your online visitors into lifelong customers. 

It’s building a tribe and changing the world. 

But how is it different from the other books he had written? 

Expert Secrets vs Dotcom Secrets -- which one is better?

Is this book worth your time and effort?

Is it even still relevant today? 

Let’s find out more in this Expert Secrets Book Review!

What Is Expert Secrets About?

Expert Secrets is a book written by Russel Brunson, one of the top internet marketers out there. 

He is also the CEO and co-founder of ClickFunnels, a highly popular tool for building sales funnels in the least amount of time and effort. 

Yes, you’ve as well heard of him from the reviews we’ve made for his other books and their online community, Two Comma Club.

Expert Secrets is a book about building a business around your brand by creating a mass movement and an audience to which you can market. 

The first edition of the book was published in 2017 and it consists of 265 pages of information and you can buy its paperback version from Amazon or the electronic version from Kindle. 

Its complete title is “Expert Secrets: The Underground Playbook For Creating A Mass Movement of People Who Will Pay For Your Advice. 

However, the latest Edition today is named “Expert Secrets: The Underground Playbook For Converting Your Online Visitors into Lifelong Customers. 

This book teaches you how to build a brand for yourself, project yourself as a professional and an asset in your industry, and cash in on people who are eager to listen to you. 

The book’s goals include:

  • Helping you find your voice and give you the confidence to become a leader.
  • Showing you how to build a movement of people whose lives you can change.
  • Teaching you how to make this calling a career.

Meanwhile, it has two main selling points:

  • First, it helps you build the voice of your brand and business no matter what industry. 
  • Second, it’s written in a way that would remain relevant for years to come. Well, that answers our title question.

Yes, it is still relevant even in 2021 because even though technology evolved and changed, human psychology has not. 

A lot of readers claimed that reading it four years later is still worth it.

Inside Expert Secrets

What you’ll find inside the book are the 19 “ Secrets” that claims to help you convert your online visitors into lifelong customers and it is divided into three sections:
Section #1: Creating Your Movement
Secret #1: Finding your voice and leading a movement that transforms
Secret #2: The framework for teaching your frameworks
Secret #3: To set you up as the category King Of Your Niche
Secret #4: How You Communicate With Your Customers
Secret #5: How To re-package the same content marketed in a different way
Secret #6: Give followers hope of something better that’s coming
Section #2: Creating Belief
Secret #7: giving customers clarity on how to solve their problems.
Secret #8: The Two-Part “Journey” Framework that simplifies Story Structuring
Secret #9: The Script That Turns A Quick Engaging Story
Secret #10: The 4 Stories You Can Use Together To REWRITE The Stories
Section #3: One-to-Many Selling
Secret #11: The detailed step-by-step FRAMEWORK that builds massive value for your customers
Secret #12: How To Knock Down Your Customer's MAIN False Belief That Is Keeping Your Customer From Saying “YES!” To Your Offer
Secret #13: Use This 3-Part Story-Selling Framework To Squash Your Customers’ False Beliefs
Secret #14: The Exact Script To Use To Easily Transition
Secret #15: My 16 FAVORITE Mini-Closes That You Can Layer And Plug Into Your Presentation
Section #4: Becoming Your Dream Customer's Guide
Secret #16: The 7-Day schedule you should follow to “test and tweak” your presentation... until you hit the Two Comma Club
Secret #17: Use This Perfect Webinar SHORTCUT
Secret #18: Script that chops your Perfect Webinar Down To Just 5 minutes
Secret #19: How To Weave ALL Of These Stories, Scripts, And Frameworks

Expert Secrets vs Dotcom Secrets

You may be wondering what the difference is between Brunson’s books in the trilogy. 

The other book, Traffic Secrets, goes beyond traffic generation. 

Now, Expert Secrets and Dotcom Secrets both provide different strategies that work together to provide one major game plan. 

All books in the trilogy are necessary to grow a business. 

Expert Secrets is about finding your voice, getting it out to the world, and creating a tribe that resonates with your message. 

DotcomSecrets, on the other hand, is more about the framework of where to put your message and how to deliver it as it talks about the importance of funnels and how to use them. 

Apparently, Dotcom Secrets was written before Expert Secrets but Russell Brunson, the author himself suggested that the logical choice to start with is with Expert Secrets because the information in this installment builds on itself. 

The first step in creating a successful business whether online or offline is to create a mass movement, a following, an audience to which you can market to and this is what Expert Secrets provide while Dotcom Secrets teaches how to build out your sales messages, tell your story and create funnels to do that. 

So it’s recommended to read Expert Secrets first and then Dotcom Secrets.

Who Is Expert Secrets Book For?

It’s best for new and existing business owners, influencers, and internet marketers who are into Coaching/Consulting, Local Small businesses, Info Products, E-Commerce, Network Marketing, B2B, Non-Profit, Agency/Freelancer, Blogging/Affiliate and more.

 It’s also for those who would like to step out from just being a marketer to a transformational leader. It’s for those who are eager to read and spend time learning the book and applying it to their business. 

How Much Is Expert Secrets Book?

The book is valued at $24.95 but is given free for anyone who wants to have a copy from their website. 

You just have to pay for the shipping and handling fee which is $9.95 (US shipping) or $19.95 outside the US or for international shipping. 

If you prefer to listen to the audiobook, it’s for sale for a small fee.

You could as well support Brunson by buying his book through Amazon US. The paperback costs under $14 plus shipping and will be calculated upon checkout. 

Take note that if you opt for the free option, you’ll be receiving a hardback copy.

Along with the Expert Secrets book (as mentioned it is valued at $24.95) are the free bonuses that are said to be valued altogether at $609.95 and this includes the following:

  • Bonus #1 - Expert Evolution "How To Become The Leader Your Tribe Has Been Waiting For...(Valued at $97)
  • Bonus #2 - Hook, Story, Offer (Valued at $97)
  • Bonus #3 - The Perfect Webinar Slides (Valued at $197)
  • Bonus #4 - The 5-Minute Perfect Webinar (Valued at $97)
  • Bonus #5 - 30 Day Expert Secrets Challenge- This challenge is a kickstart to get you moving forward quickly. It will give you a day-by-day roadmap to follow to get you from where you are today, to where you want to be.

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Relevant Even Until Today

Not only that the book is detailed and substantial, just like the two installations of the trilogy but the book itself is still relevant up to today (2021) even though it is written in 2017. 

The same goes for his Dotcom that was written in 2015 as both continue to help numerous businesses today whether for beginners and for those who are looking to branch out. 

The book itself is not limited to new businesses but it’s also applicable for existing ventures.

It’s Free

Imagine, you can get the book for free on their website and it even comes with a lot of free bonuses. You just have to pay for the shipping and handling fee. 

It’s a great deal for me.  

Not only will it not cost you that much but you’ll also get valuable information and strategies to help you boost your business and yourself. 

100% Money-Back Guarantee

Not only that it’s free but the author himself is confident in giving you a refund for the shipping fee if you don’t like the book. 


Not An Overnight Solution

This is not really a disadvantage but just to set the expectation of some people, it won’t provide overnight success. 

It requires time, effort, and money it will definitely give you a good amount of insight into how you can improve your brand voice. 

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Final Opinion/Verdict

This book has helped user’s brands to progress at their full potential because the author himself has all compiled it from his experiences. 

It could work if you yourself are ready to commit to applying his teachings and advice. 

It’s also a good read and valuable material no matter what time you’re in. 

Yes, it’s still relevant to today’s generation and that’s a great thing. It’s legit and a great detailed guide to find your voice and build your tribe. 

Grow your business and brand with this book. It’s effective and the author himself is pretty confident that you’d like the book and find it useful that he’d even offer a 100% money-back guarantee if you wouldn’t like it. 

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Thank you for reading our Expert Secrets review. If you have questions or comments, please feel free to share them below. 

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Caroline So

I'm a stay-at-home mom always on the lookout for ways on how to make LEGITIMATE money online. I also love to write; when not working as a content writer, I create blogs about skincare, makeup, motherhood, and digital marketing. I joined Vasiliy as a writer for Best Lifetime Income blog.

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