Is AI Paraphrasing Useful For Improving Communication Skills?

AI is the talk of the town in the tech world these days. I’m a big fan and advocate of AI so I can give you tens of reasons to use this technology in everyday life. It has improved the communication to an extreme level. No matter what your native language is, AI has given you the power to communicate with anyone, speaking any language in their native style like a pro.
If you are someone who is more into written communication like a blogger, support agent, or content marketer, then you have plenty of tools freely available online to improve your written communication. Online grammar checker, readability checker, paraphrasing tools, and the list goes on. These tools can improve your written communication by many folds.
In this article, I’ll be focusing mainly on paraphrasing skills and AI paraphrasing tools for improving communication skills
A Little About Paraphrasing
Paraphrasing is a powerful skill to restate something already said in a better and unique way. There can be multiple ways to do that.
- You can replace words with synonyms like you can replace “good” with “not bad” or “better”.
- You can rearrange phrases. For example: “He feels he is not well” can be rephrased as “He’s not well that’s what he feels”.
- You can merge or split sentences.
- You can change the voice (from active to passive and vice versa)
- You can mix all these techniques and change it entirely without hurting the main concept. For example: “He wasn’t feeling well that’s why he took a leave” can be restated as “He’s absent because he wasn’t healthy enough”.
Why AI Paraphrasing?
The question is when you can paraphrase manually, why involve AI? Well, time is money and I guess that’s the answer I need to elaborate.
No doubt humans can paraphrase better than any AI tool, but manual paraphrasing will have a good time. If you paraphrase 1000 words, it will take almost 30 to 40 minutes or even more for an amateur writer. Once done, you will still find instances where you could do better. But if you give this task to an AI paraphrasing tool, the job will be done in less than 40 seconds. Moreover, the output will be free from grammatical and other such errors which will save further time.
AI Paraphrasing for Improving Communication Skills
Now we know that AI paraphrasing is a time-efficient option when rephrasing text. Here we will move further to explore how it can improve communication skills apart from time-efficiency.
That’s the most important aspect of any form of communication. If your message is not perceived the way you wanted, you can’t be termed as a good communicator. So comprehension is the core objective of communication.
What could be the reason that your message wasn’t understood? There can be multiple reasons and one of the most obvious reasons is a bad selection of words. Sometimes you use words that are not commonly known. Sometimes you use complex sentence structures which may confuse the readers.
You can’t overcome this issue even if you paraphrase manually because you will come back to your style while writing. Here AI paraphrasing can be an effective option. It rephrases the given text in a way that is more readable and comprehensible. AI paraphrasing tools have a better vocabulary set than any average human being and that’s why they do it better than us.
Native Tone and Style
People understand your message well when you speak in their native tone. Every language has its own style, tone, and local set of words. Conventional translator tools like Google or Bing don’t care about this aspect. They simply translate as per their algorithm. A native person can easily understand that the message wasn’t written by a native person but by some translation tool.
Again AI paraphrasing will rescue you here. AI tools are trained by locals and the local or native style of every language. So when you paraphrase some text, it will use that tone and style. Such a paraphrased message will have more impact on the readers than a simple translated message.
Your credibility as a communicator depends on various factors. Originality and correctness of the message are two main factors here. If you wrote a message with a lot of grammatical blunders or if you copied someone’s else words then you will lose your credibility. Your message will have no impact on the readers.
AI paraphrasing comes in handy here as it generates an output that is not just free from grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors but that’s unique (plagiarism-free) as well. So, even if you are restating something already said, AI paraphrasing will make it unique by rephrasing efficiently in no time.
So, here efficiency of AI paraphrasing in communication skills was in question. I tried to cover all the aspects of AI paraphrasing which can help improve communication skills. In the earlier parts of this article, I admitted that humans can paraphrase better than AI but there are limitations where AI can outperform. AI paraphrasing can save time, improve efficiency and comprehension of messages, help in adopting native style and tone and it can give you error-free output in seconds.
Summing up: AI paraphrasing is not an option to ignore if you want to improve your written communication skills.