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Is HealX Nutrition A Scam? Is This New MLM Worth A Shot?

Welcome to My HealX Nutrition Review!
Today we’re gonna discuss another CBD-based multi-level marketing (MLM) company named HealX Nutrition.
Quick Summary: HealX Nutrition is an eCommerce company in the cannabidiol (CBD) niche as it offers a variety of CBD-infused products, such as tinctures, capsules, gummies, and more.
Like typical networking companies, the products are expensive, and considering that the CBD industry is still facing lots of questions, is HealX worth your time?
Overall Rating: 3/10
Recommended: No
For those who are new to CBDs or cannabidiol, it’s the essential component of medical marijuana and it is derived directly from the hemp plant. We've already discussed a couple of CBD MLM, such as Navan Global, HB Naturals, and BioReigns but what makes HealX Nutrition stand out?
Find out the answer to these questions and more by reading the rest of this HealX Nutrition review!
What Is HealX Nutrition About?
HealX Nutrition is a Colorado, USA based multi-level marketing company. It offers various CBD-based products offered to humans and pets.
The company website domain doesn’t provide any information about who owns or runs the company but research reveals that it was created in 2018. Further digging also reveals a December 2018 press-release identifying the partnership between HealX Nutrition between Panacea Life Sciences and KulaBrands.
Apparently, HealX Nutrition is owned by Kulabrands founded by Peter Gantner, which might suggest that he’s also the owner of the said CBD brand.
HealX Nutrition Product Line
As mentioned, HealX Nutrition offers a variety of CBD-infused products, such as soft gel capsules, gummies, massage serum, essential oils, and more. And interestingly, it also offers CBD oil for dogs.
According to the company, the hemp plants from which HealX Nutrition's CBD oil is extracted are grown locally and products are processed in Colorado, under organic standards.
Most of the products are free from the intoxicating part of hemp or marijuana - tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), or the chemical responsible for most of the psychological effects. And also according to HealX Nutrition, their products are certified vegan.
Here’s a quick rundown of their products:
- Heighten ($93) - One of their dietary supplements that were developed to improve sleep, reduce anxiety, and promote overall well being.
- XPress ($97.50) - Sublingual tablets that were developed to manage pain and anxiety.
- Yummies ($49.95) - These organic gummy worms contain a total of 600 mg of CBD per bottle, and 20 mg of CBD per gummy.
- Golden - There are 2 variations of HealX Nutrition's Golden product line: the 500mg and 1500mg.
- Canine ($45) - This soft gel capsule can be poured directly into your dog's mouth.
- Borbon Soothing Herbal Massage Serum ($78) - Infused with pure hemp oil and Damascus rose essence, this oil soothes aching muscles.
Is HealX Nutrition A Scam?
HealX Nutrition is not a scam. It is a legitimate company with a real product line.
You can earn from these CBD/hemp oil products through MLM opportunities. This means that you can make money by selling their essentials and by growing your team.
However, it was only founded in 2018. It is one of the newest MLM companies in the CBD industry, so it still has a lot to prove.
While it’s not a scam, you should keep in mind that selling CBD is challenging. First, the component is not widely accepted yet. In fact, it’s banned in most countries and states so far. Also, there’s still a need for a lot of research to back up its therapeutic claims.
Is HealX Nutrition A Pyramid Scheme/Ponzi Scheme?
HealX Nutrition is a legit MLM opportunity. However, it can be in danger of becoming a pyramid scheme because of the challenging and limited market of CBD plus the fact that their products are expensive compared to others, making a retail opportunity difficult and making affiliates recruit instead.
But as of now, it appears to be a real business with real products you could earn from as you sell. So basically, income is not solely from recruitment.
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HealX Nutrition Compensation Plan
The way that HealX Nutrition compensation plan works is through a share-based bonus with a unilevel compensation plan structure.
Unilevel Compensation Plan Breakdown:
- 1st Level – The first level of your unilevel compensation plan will only have your personally sponsored members on it.
- 2nd Level – The second level of your unilevel pay structure will only have team members that your level 1 members (personals) personally sponsored on it.
- 3rd Level – The third level of your unilevel pay plan will only have team members that your level 2 members personally sponsored on it.
- Residual Commissions - Paid out on a unilevel compensation plan structure. There is a total of 3 levels of pay that you can earn on.
- Level 1 – Your unilevel pay plan you will earn 18% of all sales made.
- Level 2 – Your unilevel pay plan you will earn 4% of all sales made.
- Level 3 – Your unilevel pay plan you will earn 6% of all sales made.
- Affiliate Generational Pool Commissions - The way that the affiliate generational commission pool works are the company takes 5% of the company-wide sales volume in 1 month. They put it in a generational pool that is divided up and paid out to all the affiliate members that qualify for a piece of these bonus commissions. The way to earn from this pool is to earn shares and the way to earn shares is by producing increments of $200 in sales volume produced in the 3rd level of your unilevel compensation plan and all levels below the 3rd level. Note that your stats will not carry over to the next month and resets each month. Here is a breakdown of how this works:
- Only up to 50% of the sales volume from any 1 leg can be counted toward this bonus.
- If you reach a maximum of 50% from your strongest leg and also have another strong leg that reaches 50%, the outside legs are counted as double sales volume that goes towards the $200 per share.
- If you have no legs that equal out to 30% toward this bonus qualification for shares then the sales volume will triple the number of shares you will earn per $200 per share from your 4th level for that month.
To learn more about HealX Nutritiion’s compensation plan, you can watch the video below:
How Much To HealX Nutrition?
Joining as a HealX Nutrition affiliate, one must pay a yearly membership fee of $20 but the annual fee would be waived if affiliates can reach $200 in personal retail sales.
Competitive Compensation Plan
Well, it’s a great thing that you earn through dollar amounts in HealX Nutrition’s compensation plan as compared with other MLMs that are solely dependent on group volume or whatsoever.
Products Go Through Multiple Tests
The manufacturer has lab results and tests behind the products and they are pretty much transparent with this on their website, providing documentation as proof.
You can find certificates of analysis as well as lab results on microbial contaminants, residual solvents, and cannabinoid (CBD) profile.
Money-Back Guarantee
HealX Nutrition is one of those generous companies that has a 30-day money-back guarantee. If you're unhappy or unsatisfied with their products, you can request a refund and that’s a great thing right?
Low Commission Payout Percentage
With such a low commission payout percentage, thus low-income potential. If you ever decide to sign up as one of HealX Nutrition affiliates, then be prepared to work hard but expect only modest earnings.
Website Loads Really Slow
The loading of the website domain is consistently slow as browsing through the tabs would take a minute or two to fully load. I thought it was just my internet connection but I confirmed that it was really happening as I have seen the same complaints.
Limited Product Line
Being the newest in the CBD Niche, HealX Nutrition’s product line is still quite limited compared to other CBD MLMs. If you're the type of person who likes a variety of CBD products, then you might find yourself a little disappointed by its limited product line. A lot of choices would have been better, right?
Expensive Products
Not only that the limitedness of the product line is a challenge but also selling such products would as well be a hassle as their products are quite pricey as compared to others.
CBD Efficacy Still On Debate
Though CBD may have shown some therapeutic claims, still more is yet to be proven and much is still up for debate. A lot of research still needs to be done to back up its therapeutic claims though HealX Nutrition products may have gone through a lot of lab tests, people will still generalize CBD as a whole.
You’ll also have to put into consideration the legalities as most states still don’t legalize such. So, you should be aware of your local laws and see if it’s legalized in your area.
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Training Tools/Support
There are no details about training and support in HealX Nutrition’s MLM opportunity but probably, just like most MLMs, as an affiliate, you’ll gain access to the back office, as well as materials and resources needed for the business.
What’s readily available on the website are the certificates of analysis as well as lab results with regards to the products microbial contaminants, residual solvents, and CBD profile, which I believe can be used as a backup idea for the affiliates to defend their product but such data is on a scientific level that not all could comprehend.
Final Opinion/Verdict
Joining HealX Nutrition can be affordable as membership would only cost $20 annually but it will still probably cost you more since you’ll be buying products. Also, there are other costs related to starting a business that you should watch out for.
It is a legitimate company and not a scam but still, it’s pretty new and still has a lot to prove in the market.
Built on an MLM platform, you’ll still opt to recruit and build a team. Yes, you may earn from retail sales but even if you work hard, you’d only earn a modest income.
It’s also a challenge to market it as its product line is limited and the products are expensive. On top of this, CBD is still not legalized in most countries and states.
Though the website presents with a lot of documentation and tests, it’s just odd that they don’t talk much about the company or who runs it.
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By the way, thank you for reading my HealX Nutrition review!