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What is Tava Lifestyle? Weight-Loss Supplement MLM Scam?

Welcome to My Tava Lifestyle Review!
The health and wellness niche, as we know, is one of the most saturated MLMs and each comes out with claims that they have the best health product. With all of the competition, which opportunity would be the best? We break it all down for you...
Quick Summary: Tava Lifestyle is another multi-level marketing (MLM) company that is crowding over the health and wellness niche. They have a limited product line that is basically for weight loss. Being an MLM, you may gain income from the sales you make as a Tava Rep but the more significant income comes from the recruitment, so you’ll most probably opt with that! Stay tuned for this review as we uncover the GOOD and the BAD.
Overall Rating: 3/10
Recommended: No
Now, we will review a newbie in the health and wellness niche called Tava Lifestyle.
The brand is known for selling weight loss supplements but is it popular for good reasons? Moreover, is the opportunity to make money legit or another pyramid scheme in disguise?
Find out everything you need to know in this unbiased Tava Lifestyle review!
What Is Tava Lifestyle About?
Tava Lifestyle is a multi-level marketing (MLM) company in the health and wellness niche. It’s almost the same as HealX Nutrition, Eniva, and Globallee.
The brand markets weight loss supplements and an affiliate program for aspiring Tava Reps, enabling them to make money by selling their products and building a team.
Based in Houston, Texas, Tava is the Hebrew word for "Noah's Ark." As the name depicts, it’s a company that is supposed to be a vehicle, an "Ark," purposed to rescue people from their "physical, personal, and financial storms." But don’t get me wrong, it’s not a Church ministry, it’s just another MLM business.
Tava Lifestyle was founded by Kenny Lloyd. There was no information on its website when the company was officially launched but the domain tavalifestyle.com was registered in May 2019, so it probably began officially in operations in the same year.
Tava Lifestyle Product Line
Tava Lifestyle’s product line are nutritional supplements that promote weight loss and energy enhancement. As of this writing, these are the current products of Tava Lifestyle:
- Flare Energy ($64.95) - These capsules help to keep the energy running high.
- Vacia Detox Tea ($69.95 – $139.90) - This tea is designed to gently and effectively cleanse the body of everyday impurities and allow one to feel their best self.
- TAVA’s Valé30 ($64.95) - This is a liquid extract and highly suitable for those with busy lifestyles or digestive concerns.
- Kaprese CBD Coffee ($79.95) - This is a CBD-infused coffee uniquely designed to nurture calmness.
Is Tava Lifestyle A Scam?
Tava Lifestyle is not a scam. It presents to be a real business with real products (though limited). It also offers a way for people to earn money by selling their products and through recruiting others to join.
It’s also been led by founders and leaders who have extensive MLM experiences. However, it’s still pretty new to conclude the statement as the company is still pretty new in the networking scene. It still has a lot to prove and it also doesn’t have a Better Bureau Business (BBB) profile to help aspiring members learn more about the brand.
Is Tava Lifestyle A Pyramid Scheme/Ponzi Scheme?
Tava Lifestyle is not a Pyramid Scheme but just like most MLMs that have the recruitment hype, it can have the dangers to be one. However, it appears to be a real business with a decent compensation plan.
They have tangible products you could sell and earn from as a Tava Rep. Though it's true that your bigger income will come from recruitment but it’s not basically the sole source of income here. Thereby, it’s not a Pyramid Scheme and it’s also not a Ponzi scheme.
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Tava Lifestyle Compensation Plan
Basically, you’ll earn in Tava Lifestyle by selling products and recruiting people.
There are 5 ways for you to earn money with Tava Lifestyle.
1. Retail Profits - When you join as a Tava Lifestyle Rep (distributor), you will get a $10 discount on all the products, thus, selling them will give you a $10 profit. However, if you refer someone to your replicated Tava Lifestyle website (provided by the company to affiliates) and they purchase a product, you will earn $25 on each sale.
2. Quick Start Bonus - You'll get paid $30 up to $800 depending on the Product Package your recruit purchase but to earn this commission, you must first become an Active Associate by a personal purchase of products worth 40V each month. Each of the 3 products has 20V, so any two products will get you qualified and that's about $140 monthly product maintenance on your part.
3. Binary Pay - Tava Lifestyle uses a Binary pay structure. In Binary, you will be given two sales legs directly under you, the left and the right. All your recruits and the recruits of your recruits will be placed on either leg. Ideally, you’ll have both the left and right leg filled with recruits and with plenty of sales, but that rarely happens in the real world. What will likely happen is that you will have one leg with more sales (Builder Team) and the other with lesser sales (Pay Leg).
Unfortunately, the company will only pay you based on the sales of the Pay Leg (the leg with the least sales volume). You will only get paid based on the leg with lesser sales. In Tava Lifestyle, you can earn 10-25% of the total sales of your weaker leg, depending on your rank.
There are Affiliate Ranks in the company, and they are based on the product sales volume you make each pay cycle. As you build a team of downlines, you will advance in ranks.
4. Binary Check Match Pay - On top of the binary commissions, Executive Directors and above can also earn a 10-50% check match bonus on all your personal recruits. Whatever your recruit earns that month, you're entitled to receive a percentage of that as well, based on your current rank.
5. Profit Sharing Pools - Tava sets aside 1% of the total product sales weekly. Associates with ranks Triple Diamond and above can earn a share of this pool.
To learn more about Tava Lifestyle, you can watch the video below:
How Much To Join Tava Lifestyle?
Yearly Tava Lifestyle membership costs $49 but it is waived in the first year if you’ve purchased a product pack. Paying the $49/year Sign Up fee will make you a Customer. You'll become eligible for product discounts and you can earn profits by selling them.
But if you are planning to turn it into a real income then, you'll have to spend more money. And to qualify for the rest of the company's compensation plan, you must become an Associate by purchasing any of these Enrollment Product Packages below:
- Affiliate Pack - $100 (40V)
- Personal Pack - $300 (100V)
- Fast Track Pack - $500 (150V)
- Builder Pack - $1,200 (300V)
- Founder’s Pack - $2,000 (600V) This is said to be available only for a limited time and will only be offered to "early joiners."
Note: V refers to the Commissionable Volume, used to calculate your commissions. The main difference between these packs is the value of the products included in them.
You'll also have to purchase at least $140 worth of products monthly to be eligible for commissions.
Led By Veteran Network Marketers
Other than Kenny E. Lloyd, Tava’s founder and visionary CEO who was a top-earning distributor of Total Life Changes, Tava is also led by people who are veteran network marketers as they are all experienced in the MLM industry namely Kevin Harris (COO), Mark A. Sterling (VP Sales) and LaChelle Pierre (Director of Operations).
Expensive Products
Well, compared to other products with the same benefits, Tava products are a bit more expensive. Well, it can’t just be because of quality because if you’ll check on the ingredients on the other products, they just have the same content. So why is it expensive? It’s most probably for the sake of retail profits. It's because part of the profits are used to pay the Associates and the company uses the profits to support its compensation plan.
Success Will Be Difficult
Not only that the products are expensive and it’ll be hard-selling them but also making money with Tava Lifestyle will really depend on your ability to build a team of downlines. You'll have to have excellent sales and MLM skills as you must know how to find an endless source of prospects.
Yes, you can make profits from selling the products but being an MLM, bigger income awaits if you do well at recruiting people who in turn also do the same. So for newbies and to those with no MLM experience, it’ll be hard plus the company uses a binary compensation plan, which is tough to make money from. So success will be hazy. Most MLMs will even be bound to fail.
Limited Product Line
For me, this is a concern because if you only have a few products to offer, it'll be easy to lose your customers. So having an MLM business with little product variety is a bane.
Recruitment Is Still The Key!
It’s just another typical MLM where recruitment is still the name of the game. Yes, you’ll go find customers for sales but you’ll probably rather find associates as finding and recruiting one, awaits bigger compensation. Yes, you can make money selling the company products but you’ll still opt to recruit and build a vast network of associates to make a bigger income.
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Training Tools/Support
Joining as a Tava Lifestyle Rep/Associate, you will be given access to the back office and a replicated Tava website as well as free training and support. They also have an FB Page called Tava Lifestyle HQ where they provide training for their members.
As for customer support, Tava Lifestyle has provided an email address ([email protected]) where customers and members can send their concerns and complaints, such as refund / return.
Final Opinion/Verdict
The purpose behind Tava’s name seems catchy and heartwarming as it was aimed to be a vehicle designed to rescue people from their physical, personal, and financial storms. But would it really help rescue people financially?
Well, I doubt it because apparently, it’s just like those typical MLMs with all those promises. Yes, it is legit and not a scam. However, changes won’t be in your favor as it would be a struggle selling their expensive limited products and if you won’t do good in sales, you will probably opt-in recruiting as it awaits bigger profits and benefits. So, still, recruitment is the key here.
My verdict is that, unless you’re highly experienced and skilled with network marketing, you should skip this program at all costs!
What's Next?
Perhaps you’ve decided that Tava Lifestyle is not for you and you want a better alternative -- the one that won’t require you to purchase expensive products nor recruit people. If yes, then I suggest that you join our #1 recommended program.
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Thank you for reading my Tava Lifestyle review!