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Is Tempo Wireless A Scam? MLM That Offers No Contract Wireless Phone Service?

Welcome to My Tempo Wireless Review!
A free cell phone service when you refer 3 other people to the program?
You’ve probably heard this marketing pitch from one of the Tempo Wireless distributors or seen it across social media platforms.
Quick Summary: Tempo Wireless is a multi-level marketing (MLM) company in the service niche. They offer a no-contract phone wireless service.
It’s basically the direct selling division of Temp Communications.
Being an MLM, basically you’ll also earn through sales and recruitment in their income opportunity, and it has an interesting angle that may help to promote sales. However, there were a few drawbacks to address.
Overall Rating: 2/10
Recommended: No
But, is Tempo Wireless as good as it sounds?
Other than the free cell phone service, is the opportunity offered profitable enough?
Most importantly, is Tempo Wireless a scam?
What Is Tempo Wireless About?
Tempo Wireless is the direct selling division of Tempo Communications.
It markets and offers internet and phone services focused on no-contract wireless phone service.
Apparently, the company is based out of Louisville, Kentucky USA and it started around 2013. However, founder information was not disclosed but we could say that the person behind is Tony Tomae, the current CEO and President of Birch Communications and presumably of Tempo Wireless as well.
Apparently, Tomae does not appear to have any MLM industry experience.
It can be compared to Telecom Plus.
Tempo Wireless Product Line
Tempo Wireless offers access to Tempo Wireless branded and third-party no-contract wireless services as follows:
- Tempo Wireless CDMA network plans range from between $44.95 and $64.95 a month
- Tempo Wireless GSM network plans range from between $20 and $69.95 a month
- Sprint Network service plans range from between $20 and $69.99 a month
Tempo Wireless also sells a range of cell phones to new and existing service customers and a “home and office” service for $29.99 a month.
Tempo Wireless services may be bought under the Lifeline initiative, which is funded by the Universal Service Fund (USF). Contributions from all interstate telecommunication carriers fund the Lifeline Assistance Program by passing along a small cost to all telecom consumers on their monthly phone bills noted as the Universal Service fee.
Also, it’s a program designed to provide discounts on phone services for qualified low-income citizens.
Is Tempo Wireless A Scam?
Tempo Wireless is not a scam. It is a legit MLM company that comes with services and a compensation plan you can earn from as an affiliate.
The founding company was also rated A+ by the Better Bureau Business (BBB); however, Tempo Wireless itself has a C- rating.
Also, platforms like this encourage affiliates to recruit so they can make more money and gain bigger commissions and if that’s what makes up the majority of sales, it would be a pyramid scheme.
Is Tempo Wireless A Pyramid Scheme/Ponzi Scheme?
Technically, Tempo Wireless is not a pyramid scheme because as an affiliate of this company, you can earn money just by selling their products or services on retail. However, Tempo Wireless does have signs of being a "pyramid scheme."
Because affiliates would even shell out money from their pockets to keep track of the earning opportunity.
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Tempo Wireless Compensation Plan
Basically, with Tempo Wireless earning opportunity, you will earn through retail and recruitment commissions. Here’s a rundown of their compensation plan structure.
Being an MLM, Tempo Wireless comes with Affiliate Ranks and these are the ten affiliate ranks within their compensation plan:
- Manager
- Senior Manager
- Regional Manager
- Platinum Regional Manager
- Vice President
- Platinum Vice President
- Senior Vice President
- Platinum Senior Vice President
- Presidential Director
- Platinum Presidential Director
And each service comes with a point system that would add up to your rank:
- No Contract Unlimited Talk, Text & Data Plans = 3 points
- No Contract Unlimited Talk and Text = 2 points
- No Contract 700 talk & 700 text $34.99 = 2 points
- No Contract Unlimited Talk = 1 point
- 200 Minute plan = 1 point
- No Contract Home Connect = 3 points
- Tempo Wireless System Monthly Subscription = 3 points
- 50 Pack of Tempo Wireless Marketing Magazines = 3 points
- 25 Pack of Tempo Wireless Marketing Magazines = 1 point
- Tempo Wireless Virtual Voicemail System = 3 points
- Tempo Wireless Home Connect = 3 points
Note that to qualify for commissions, all Tempo Wireless affiliates must have one active wireless customer. This customer can be the affiliate themselves. Thus, money could be shelled out from your pockets but so far it’s good because there’s a service you could use.
Wireless Customer & Recruitment Commissions
Being an MLM, Tempo Wireless rewards affiliates who bring recruits to the company. When you bring a new Tempo Wireless affiliate who activates a wireless service, you’ll receive a commission.
How much of a commission is earned is determined by a Tempo Wireless affiliate’s rank:
- Manager and Senior Manager – $13
- Regional Manager – $15
- Vice President – $17
- Senior Vice President – $19
- Presidential Director – $23
- The immediate upline of the recruiting affiliate also receives a $2 commission
Residual Customer & Recruitment Commissions - When recruited Tempo Wireless affiliates sign up a wireless customer, a residual coded bonus is paid out. Note that these coded bonuses are paid out when customers are acquired anywhere in a Tempo Wireless affiliate’s downline. Also note that if a newly recruited Tempo Wireless affiliate activates their own wireless service, the above commissions are effectively recruitment commissions.
HomePhone and Lifeline Customer Commissions - When customers or recruited affiliates active either a Home Phone or LifeLine service, the following one-time commissions are paid out:
- Manager – $10 for a Home Phone service and $4 for a Lifeline service
- Senior Manager – $10 for a Home Phone service and $4.50 for a Lifeline service
- Regional Manager – $10 for a Home Phone service and $5 for a Lifeline service
- Vice President – $10 for a Home Phone service and $5.50 for a Lifeline service
- Senior Vice President – $10 for a Home Phone service and $6 for a Lifeline service
- Presidential Director – $10 for a Home Phone service and $6.50 for a Lifeline service
The sponsor of an affiliate receiving a Lifeline customer commission also receives a $1 commission.
Direct Retail Customer Commissions - Tempo Wireless affiliates earn a residual commission on services used by retail customers (this does not include recruited affiliates).
Commissions are paid out as a percentage of the amount retail customers are billed each month. How much of a percentage is earned is determined by an affiliate’s total retail customer billing volume for that month.
Residual Retail Customer Commissions - Affiliates can earn residual retail customer commissions via a unilevel compensation structure. A Tempo Wireless affiliate can earn up to 4% on retail customer billing amounts across eight unilevel levels.
Recruited Monthly Affiliate Fee Commissions - Each Tempo Wireless affiliate is charged a monthly $49.99 fee. This fee is commissionable with affiliates earning a direct commission per recruited affiliate based on their rank.
Magazine Commissions - When downline Tempo Wireless affiliates purchase 25 or 50 magazines, you’ll get these commissions.
Rank Achievement Bonus - Tempo Wireless affiliates are paid a one-time Rank Achievement Bonus when they qualify at the Platinum Regional Manager or higher rank.
Free Wireless Service - Tempo Wireless affiliates who sign up three wireless retail customers or recruit three affiliates who sign up for wireless service in a month.
CAR BONUS - A Tempo Wireless affiliate can receive up to $1500 a month “toward a car of their choice’ depending on qualification criteria it belongs to.
Revenue Sharing Pool - Tempo Wireless’ Revenue Sharing Pool is made up of 1% of the company’s commissionable volume. Vice President and higher ranked Tempo Wireless affiliates are awarded one share in the Revenue Sharing Pool for every $250 in monthly wireless service commissions they earn $1000 Bonus Guarantee.
To learn more about Tempo Wireless' compensation plan, you can watch the video below:
How Much To Join Tempo Wireless?
If you would want to join Tempo Wireless’ affiliate program, you must sign up either as a:
- Manager – $49.99 a month plus $50 annually after 12 months
- Senior Manager – $49.99 plus $49.99 a month and $50 annually after 12 months
Tempo Wireless does promote a Virtual Wireless System, which costs $49.99 per month.
Free Lifeline Cell Service Provider
Perhaps, the only good thing about this is that you could gain a free lifeline service provider when you recruit people to join. Other than that, it’s just full of drawbacks.
Misleading Marketing Pitch
As mentioned, it’s good to have this what they call U+3. And this has an interesting angle that may help to promote sales. Customers and distributors can earn free wireless service by referring three other people, and this can be a Misleading Marketing Pitch that would end up affiliates recruit and recruit.
Competition Issues
Yes, it might not be crowded but many service provider MLMs provide Wireless phone services and though others are not MLMs, there are definitely better and cheaper alternatives.
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Training Tools/Support
The $49.99 Virtual Wireless System fee will enable an affiliate to have a replicated website to expound their own Tempo Wireless business and enables them to also maneuver their contact management, order processing, shipping orders, billing, and more.
Final Opinion/Verdict
Well, you could probably make money in Tempo Wireless but to make considerable lucrative income, you have to work yourself out and that would take a lot of sales and recruitment.
It appears to be a legit company though with decent income potential. It has products and services you can sell and make money from but then again, don’t expect a lot as there are challenges, such as competitors.
Also, there’s hype on the recruitment, which can be a telltale of a pyramid scheme so if I were you, I’ll ditch this program.
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Thank you for reading my Tempo Wireless Review!
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