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Copy Paste Commissions Review – Why I Don’t Recommend It?

Copy Paste Commissions Review Summary
Name: Copy Paste Commissions
Website: https://copypastecommissions.net
Founders: Omar Martin & Michael Cheney
Product Type: Create Online Business with Affiliate Marketing
Price: $19.95 plus up-sells

Quick Summary: Copy Paste Commissions is course which includes a series of tips how to become successful affiliate marketer without a website, auto-responder and with Free Facebook traffic. In this review I will uncover what I like and don't like about this program.
Overall Rating: 4/10
Recommended: No
What is Copy Paste Commissions About?
Making money online and becoming self-sufficient is an admirable goal, but is Copy Paste Commissions the key to reaching that level of success? That all depends on who you ask. To start, let’s take a look at what Copy Paste Commissions is all about.
Copy Paste Commissions was created by Omar Martin and Michael Cheney, two marketers who claim they earned millions from their specific affiliate marketing strategies and techniques. Their product focuses on making money online through affiliate marketing and they provide tips and tricks that are meant to make you more successful at affiliate marketing.
What is the Idea Behind this Product?
Michael Cheney wanted to create Copy Paste Commissions with following idea in mind:
- No need for a Website
- No need for Auto-responder
- Free Traffic
I found a really cool interview of Michael Cheney before the launch where he talks about this program and really uncovers the entire concept in case you are interested to watch, though it's 30 minutes long:
I have done many reviews on products created by Michael Cheney and to be quite honest most of them are just copies of each other.
What Michael Cheney does is he releases a product and once the traffic drops he then releases another one and another one. In this particular case we are talking about these 3 identical programs:
- Commission Black Ops
- Commission Machines
- Copy Paste Commissions “New Program”
These 3 programs share almost everything in common and were released one after another.
And in case if you are wondering How Popular Copy Paste Commissions on the internet, another words how many people are searching for this program in Google here is what you get by using a tool called Jaaxy:

As you can see for their main keywords - there are at highest only 144 people searching every month. This can easily tell you that this product is not popular at all and this is the reason why Michael Cheney will have to release another product to say that he came up with a new thing that will make everyone millions of dollars.
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I'm so grateful that I was able to find THIS PROGRAM which helped me to finally start making money online!
Alright, let’s keep on moving. By signing up, you’ll get access to their “member’s area,” which features training videos, PDFs, audio files, and more. It is essentially a quick course in how to make money through email marketing.

Their main course is laid out in the E-Book which covers affiliate marketing and focuses on:
- How to create an Email list
- How to market to that list
- Which affiliate offers to promote
- How to skyrocket your conversions
While it seems like Copy Paste Commissions might have something good to offer, but I couldn’t entirely trust this program and I will explain very shortly why. Is Copy Paste Commissions a scam or is it legit? For an unbiased Copy Paste Commissions review keep reading.
Is Copy Paste Commissions a Scam?
Well, Copy Paste Commissions is not a scam. This is a training program that does feature some useful information. You are given what is promised to you—access to their training material—but there are some Copy Paste Commissions complaints that you might want to be aware of.
First, you will be subjected to some up-sells. This is nothing new, but it’s still annoying. Up-sells are only tolerable when they offer true value, but that isn’t the case with Copy Paste Commissions. These up-sells range from $17 to $37 and while Copy Paste Commissions makes you feel like these are necessary, they really aren’t. In fact, these up-sells provide little value.
The other main issue with Copy Paste Commissions is some of the tips that they provide. They encourage you to blast your links on as many different places on Facebook as possible. This is not only annoying and detracts from your legitimacy, but it can also get you banned from Facebook.
There’s also an income disclaimer in tiny font at the very bottom of their page that states the results they are promoting A-Typical and you shouldn’t expect to make that much. Add that to the fact that their name in itself is misleading—it’s not as simple as copy and paste to earn commissions—and there are some Red Flags with this program.

Just think for a second here. They are basically acknowledging that they are promoting a HYPE and that these results are not typical.
Even though it's true that our success depends on our efforts and abilities but I can list a full page of programs who don't use such "High Income Potential" advertising scheme but instead offer transparent insight as to what is expected in order to start earning legitimate income.
Here Is My Top Recommendation to Start Highly Profitable Online Business from Comfort Of Your Home
To join Copy Paste Commissions, it will cost you $19.95. That doesn’t seem like much, but that’s just your upfront cost to join their program and get access to the training materials.
This does not account for any costs that arise from purchasing ads, generating traffic, or creating/hosting a website. These costs will quickly add up, driving the price up considerable.
There are also up-sells that Copy Paste Commissions will push on you that are advertised as making you more successful. These range from $17 to $37, but you should avoid them because they provide little value.
- $17 -Toolkit LITE
- $27 -Top Commissions Premium Toolkit
- $37 -Done for You Commissions Service
- The training comes in a variety of formats so learners of all types can benefit
- It’s relatively inexpensive to sign up and gain access to the Member’s Area
- Offers a 30 day money back guarantee
- There are up-sells that add no value to your experience
- Some of the marketing techniques can get you in trouble
- The name is misleading—is it not as simple as copying and pasting to earn commissions
- The training isn’t step by step so it can be difficult to follow
- You need an email list to achieve solid results
- Your Inbox will be spammed with tons of other programs
Who Is It For?
Copy Paste Commissions is marketed as a great training resource for beginners to affiliate marketing. The training program centers on training you to become an affiliate marketer. However, even though the training is put together pretty well, it isn’t earth shattering or ground breaking information.
The founders claim these tips and strategies are what helped them make millions of dollars, but to be honest, these are nothing new. That’s why this program is not meant for experienced affiliate marketers. Those with experience will already know this information and won’t find much value in the training materials.
However, beginners should note that there is a strong focus on email marketing and Facebook tactics and that there is not a step by step training. This might be a good resource, but far from other alternatives that offer step by step training program with full support.
Final Thoughts
It’s true that Copy Paste Commissions has some decent information in their training, and yes you could try and build online business with them but there are still too many red flags to recommend this program.
Especially if you are new to online business you will have so many questions on how to do something and what tools to use and you will be stuck along the way. I do not call this program a scam but I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone.
If you have any experience with Copy Paste Commissions or simply have any feedback please leave your comments below: