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Traffic Transformation Bootcamp Review – Can It Really Increase Blog Views?

Welcome To My Traffic Transformation Review!
Blogging may sound like a simple job but it's the opposite.
It requires effort, patience, and time to actually become a successful blogger. One of the struggles of blogging is attaining increasing readership and traffic.
It may take an ample amount of time before achieving it.
It’s draining to choose what to try between different courses as your options, especially when you don't have any idea where to start.
Traffic Transformation Review Summary
Name: Traffic Transformation
Website: Traffic Transformation Guide (adventuresinblogging.co)
Founders: Lena Gott
Product Type: eBook Traffic Guide
Price: $79 For The eBook
Quick Summary: Traffic Transformation claims to provide a step-by-step guide of 21 strategies to grow traffic to your blog.
It aims to help build a stronger foundation for more viewership and opportunities on your website; however, is it worth your time and money? Is it helpful or just another meaningless guide with bold claims?
Overall Rating: 6/10
Recommended: Yes
However, there are far better online strategies and guides to help you fulfill your dream of becoming a renowned blogger.
With that being said, I'm going to review one of those guides namely Traffic Transformation that claims to provide brilliant strategies to increase your monthly blog page views.
Learn more if this one's beneficial enough for your blog or not as I begin to discuss the facts right away!
What Is Traffic Transformation About?
The Traffic Transformation is an eBook guide that outlines 21 tried-and-tested strategies that bloggers can benefit from to increase their blog's traffic.
It isn’t a “one and done” kind of course since you can go back to the beginning and start again after you finished reading it.
Therefore, the chances that you have missed some important steps along the way are minimal.
This eBook was originally published way back in December 2015 and was updated last 2017 and 2019.
Good thing, you can still access the updated versions once you've purchased the eBook. The new edition furnishes better strategies for a better blogging journey.
It's ideally based on a mommy blogger's experiences namely Lena Gott, who runs WhatMommyDoes.com.
She was stuck between 15,000-17,000 page views a month despite the fact of working full-time on her blog. Due to being exhausted from the lack of growth, she earnestly figures out what she has been doing wrong and earnestly commits to seeking remedies.
This led her to describe in detail the specific steps she used to attain huge viewership and traffic after months of struggling. It focuses on both effective traffic strategies to adopt and ineffective strategies to drop.
Traffic Transformation Product Line
This course offers a step-by-step guide to elevate your blog traffic.
Each step builds on the other and there are a total of 21 steps. There are different covered strategies present in every step which may help you gain 400k page views in 10 months just like Lena's experience.
In illustrating key points, there are screenshots, charts, and videos included in the entire Traffic Transformation Guide which you can explore.
It begins with an introduction to primes of what’s to come.
This challenges you to experience new things just to cater to your potential to grow as a blogger. So, it implies for you to stop prioritizing ineffective strategies and focus on efficient ones instead.
You're bound to delve into the core techniques to grow your traffic from simply identifying your focus up to writing key ideas along with planning.
Here are the covered steps as follows:
Step 1: Narrowing Your Blog’s Focus
Step 2: Shareability and Your Look
Step 3: Low Payback Tasks You Can Stop Doing Right Now
Step 4: How To Duplicate and Piggyback Blogging Successes
Step 5: A Few Words on Thoughtful Keyword Selection
Step 6: Social Platform Focus – Why More on Fewer Platforms = More
Step 7: The Importance of Titles
Step 8: Landing Pages for Related Content
Step 9: Interlinking Secrets
Step 10: How To Showcase Popular Posts
Step 11: Making Your Navigation Bar Work For You
Step 12: Get Featured
Step 13: Stay in Your Lane(s)
Step 14: Calculate Your Goals
Step 15: Target Holiday Traffic
Step 16: Writing a Lot with a Plan
Step 17: Traffic Waves & Blog Post Fireworks
Step 18: Optimize for Search Engines
Step 19: Don’t Be Too Clever
Step 20: Split Test Strategies
Step 21: Master a Platform Stack
Is Traffic Transformation A Scam?
No. Traffic Transformation is a legitimate eBook guide.
Given that its publisher named Lena Gott is indeed not a scammer. In fact, she’s a CPA turned blogger who likewise runs WhatMommyDoes where her advocacies included sharing tips on parenting, blogging, and saving money.
She possessed an incredible experience as she achieved her desired growth in her blog traffic over the past few years and is now doing her part to be of help to anyone who believes in the beauty of their passion to become an effective blogger.
Traffic Transformation Compensation Plan
Spending a dollar less than $80 might be too much but if you want to grow a website and monetize it in the future, you should treat “learning” as an investment.
In return, you can accumulate priceless fulfillment of getting to explore different strategic methods to boost your blog's traffic and to attain meaningful content for your readers to eventually gain productive returns of your investment.
The learning doesn’t stop with the 100+ page step-by-step downloadable guide. In addition to the acquired knowledge, you'll also receive extra bonuses.
A 40-minute training video regarding keyword optimization is provided just for you. Full comprehension of how keywords work is a vital part of building traffic from Google search.
Another free bonus for you is about how to get more page views from existing content. It pertains to finding efficiencies in your blogging tasks.
This bonus provides you tips for you to use for roundups of existing content to gain increasing blog page views.
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How Much To Join Traffic Transformation?
Currently, it costs $79 which can be considered as a good price for plenty of actionable information. However, if it's pricey for you, yet you still want to pursue growing your traffic, then you can download the free Blog Traffic Bonus Guide from Lena Got.
The free guide comes with many helpful tips and ideas that you can apply throughout your blogging journey.
Quick And Easy To Read
Unlike other guides which use videos, Traffic Transformation is more on written information showcasing straightforward strategies that are quick and easy to read.
It Is Highly Actionable
This course seems like an assigned homework that gives you a to-do list with steps that you can fulfill in no time. There's likewise a “what not to do” guide.
There are different tips to help you elevate traffic. It highlights what is worth spending on and what is not based on the first-hand experience.
The Organization Of The Course Material
Traffic Transformation contains smooth transitions from one idea to another. From the introduction to the 21 steps, every idea builds on the other.
It's the reason why this course is convenient to follow. The stories and examples Lena uses in the entire course are so engaging so you can finish it in one sitting.
No Community For Students of Traffic Transformation
It would be best if there was a community for students of The Traffic Transformation Guide. Over 2500 copies have been sold to date, which implies that there’s a sizable group of bloggers who have tried these techniques.
It would be ideal to reach to other students, listen to their attempted strategies, what worked, and what didn't. That's the only defect I've spotted with Traffic Transformation
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Who Is It For?
Traffic Transformation is ideal for struggling bloggers with regards to the growth of their traffic or for those who want to gain to the next level of traffic.
It's also best for both new and intermediate bloggers.
It can help beginner bloggers to learn the fundamentals of growing their viewership and some advanced and specific information that is beneficial for people who have been blogging for quite a while now.
If ever you find yourself experiencing these scenarios then it is highly suggested for you to consider this course as your guide:
●There are no changes in the number of your page views
●There's an alarming decrease in your page views
●There's wild fluctuations in traffic experiences – high one month and low the next
●Your traffic is increasing slowly.
●There's a healthy increase in your traffic, but you still want to elevate that growth.
Training Tools/Support
For concerns or inquiries, you can reach Traffic Transformation by leaving a comment to address your concern at Lena Gott's blogging courses site and Adventures in Blogging.
You can also reach her through her social media accounts.
Final Opinion/Verdict
Traffic Transformation is a genuine eBook that aims to guide you towards attaining a substantial number of page viewers and a commendable blogging journey.
It has done wonders for successful bloggers right now and I believe that it has the potential to do the same with your blogs, yet it's a matter of what you prioritize and what you'll disregard.
One thing to consider, however, is the price of purchasing this eBook traffic guide.
Nonetheless, $79 is a budget-friendly price considering that you'll get a chance to learn effective strategies that make the purchase more than worth the expense and reading time.
If you’re not yet ready to invest in your blog, you can sign up for a free blog traffic bonus guide instead.
Keep in mind that the Traffic Transformation Guide is the most comprehensive blog traffic course up to date. It doesn’t only tackle SEO or Pinterest.
It assesses every part of your blog, from your navigation bar to your post titles to your SEO practices which allow for progress to take place. It assists you to look at your blog traffic from numerous perspectives to administer gradual changes that result in massive growth.
It is indeed a godsend stepping stone for bloggers, especially those who have a hard time growing their traffic. It has everything you want in a course – easy to follow, value-packed, and results-oriented.
In summary, I recommend purchasing Traffic Transformation to pave the way for tried and tested strategies to grow traffic and make you fulfill a wonderful blogging experience.
What's Next?
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Thank you for reading my Traffic Transformation review. If you have questions or comments, please feel free to share them below.