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What is Motor Club of America About? Are they Legit?

Name: Motor Club of America (MCA)
Website: http://www.motorclubamerica.net/
Price: Free to Join
Founders: Virgil Coffee
Overall Ranking: 4/10
Who’s it For: Experienced Internet Marketers
Summary: Motor Club of America is a roadside assistance service offered via MLM scheme. In this review you will find out if this product is legitimate and if you can make money with MCA.
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What is Motor Club of America About?
Though founded by William Green in 1986, Motor Club of America (MCA) is currently owned by parent company TVC Marketing, led by Virgil Coffee.
Motor Club of America is a company that provides roadside assistance packages that help people who have run out of gas, locked themselves out of their cars, broken down on the side of the road, etc. The services offered are similar to what you will see with an AAA membership, and package prices vary depending on your level of coverage.
These MCA packages can be costly, but you can make money by selling them to others through the MCA affiliate program. This affiliate program involves MLM, and it is this business opportunity that we are reviewing.
Is Motor Club of America Legit?
Yes, the Motor Club of America affiliate program not a scam. That also doesn’t make it a legitimate business opportunity with high earning potential. They do pay affiliates on time and offer a service that is valued, but there are some Red Flags with MCA.
One thing that will turn some people off is the fact that Motor Club of America actually has no official site. There are many domains and sites set up by those in the affiliate program that appear quite legitimate, such as:
but these are not official sites. It is important that you visit the actual TVC Marketing site to learn about making money with MCA.
Here is an interesting thing: You also aren’t likely to find negative reviews for MCA during your research, because members agree that they will not post any derogatory statements or comments about TVC products and programs. You’ll find some negative remarks here and there, but you’ll also see raving reviews from the slim minority of people that find success in MLM schemes.
Making Money with MCA
While MCA is not an outright scam, you need to ask the question, can you really make money with MCA? In order to start making money with MCA you need to convince others to sign up for a MCA membership. That seems simple, but the products are higher priced than other roadside assistance services and the way payments are calculated can be confusing.
Your commission will be paid weekly in advance, but payment is calculated for a 17 month period. This means that if someone leaves the program before that 17 month period is over, you will be charged back and the money you were fronted will be deducted from future sales. So, not only do you need to convince someone to sign up for a package, you need them to stay a member for at least 17 months. That is where things can get tricky.
It is 100% free to become an affiliate, though there is some confusion on this. Because there is no official site for Motor Club of America, but official looking pages, those researching the affiliate program often take these web pages as fact and sign up for a membership plan in order to become an affiliate.
These pages are designed by current affiliates who care only about gaining commission from you signing up and beyond misleading you, will offer no support after you become an official affiliate. It is important to know that you do not need to purchase a membership package, as long as you go to the official TVC Marketing website.
Though the cost to join is free, you will need to pay for any promotional materials that you utilize. In order to be successful, you will likely need to get business cards, flyers, brochures and to place some internet ads linking to your website. So, the cost to join is free, but in order to actually make money with MCA you will be shelling out some cash. These costs can quickly add up, so you need to consider this.
Pros / Cons
- Free to join through TVC site
- You are offering legitimate services that people use
- You get paid on a weekly basis
- This is an MLM scheme
- There is no official website
- Many MCA affiliates charge you to join as an affiliate
- There is no training or support offered
It’s nice that MCA lets you join the affiliate program for free, and you can rest assured that you are offering legitimate packages to people you sell to. Aside from that, you will also be compensated weekly for getting them to sign up, which is nice.
Where things get tricky is the fact that MCA involves multi-level-marketing, which very few people find success with. Even more confusing is that there is no official website and you are often mislead into thinking that you need to sign up for a membership before joining the affiliate program.
You would think that MCA would discourage this practice, but they have done nothing to deter their affiliates from this deceitful tactic. Finally, there is no training offered by MCA, so if you are not experienced at MLM, you might find yourself dead in the water, shelling out hundreds for promotional products and seeing little in return.
Who Is It For
Since this venture involves MLM, those with internet marketing experience are best suited for MCA. Beginners can certainly learn the ropes and make money with MCA, but they will need to utilize the guidance of someone more experienced before branching out.
It is also important to know that MLM ventures generally involve working long hours while trying to persuade someone to buy something. If you do not enjoy meeting and selling to new people, or to your family and friends, this is a business venture that you want to steer clear of. There are other much better online opportunities.
Honestly these tactics are used in almost all MLM companies, they vary slightly but the idea about bothering your friends and family is unavoidable.
Training Tools / Support
The real drawback to MCA is that they do not offer you any training. They don’t even have an official website, after all. There are a few marketing tips that TVC offers, but essentially all training is left up to the person who recruited you to join the team. If you sign up through an MCA affiliate site, chances are that whoever “recruited” you cares very little about properly training you.
When it comes to support, MCA leaves much to be desired there as well. There are a few ways to contact MCA, either through their 24/7 toll-free number, email, fax, mail or the contact form that is linked on their site. Even if you do get a hold of someone, there isn’t any training or advice given and most times you will be referred to your team leader. Overall, once you sign up to be an affiliate for MCA, you are essentially on your own.
Final Opinion / Verdict
So, what is Motor Club of America about and can you make money with MCA? When it comes down to it, the affiliate program for Motor Club of America is not a scam. They pay affiliates weekly and on time, and they are providing legitimate products and services to consumers.
That being said, I wouldn’t recommend this scheme to make money online. MLM can be extremely hard to master and few people actually find success using it. It is also easy to get left out in the cold by team leaders who simply want to make commission off your membership purchase and don’t care about you progressing as an affiliate.
That combined with the fact that MCA packages are priced much higher than other road side assistance services, makes it very difficult to generate income through the Motor Club of America.