Is Affiliate Millionaire Club a Scam?

Name: Affiliate Millionaire Club
Price: $47
Founders: Mo
Overall Ranking: 1 / 10
Who’s it For: No one


What is Affiliate Millionaire Club About?

Thinking about joining the Affiliate Millionaire Club? You’re definitely going to want to keep reading this Affiliate Millionaire Club review before you make that decision and open up your wallet! There are mixed Affiliate Millionaire Cub reviews and before you make the leap, you should have all the facts.

Of course on the sales page for Affiliate Millionaire Club you will see all the benefits, hear testimonials from “real” members and be told all about the income that members see when using the program. This is very typical sales pitch that you will find for similar products that promote hype right in the beginning. Don’t you want to hear an unbiased review for jumping in head first, though? If so, keep reading!

So, what is the Affiliate Millionaire Club? It’s a software that helps you build and launch websites that feature affiliate links on it. It seems simple and that’s because it is. At least with Affiliate Millionaire Club you know what you’re getting—and getting into. But is it actually a legitimate income earning opportunity? That’s the part of Affiliate Millionaire Club that is most highly debated.

Is Affiliate Millionaire Club a Scam?

So, is there are an Affiliate Millionaire Club scam or is the program legitimate? On the sales page, you hear from customers that have been so successful, so it must be legitimate, right? Wrong. In fact, the video testimonials might seem familiar because I’ve seen the same actors in other promotional and testimonial videos.

I know this because I review many “Make Money Online” programs and can spot different products with similar promotions. That fact right there should have you on high alert. Using paid actors in “real customer” testimonial videos is a big Red Flag. Unfortunately, that’s only the beginning of the issues with Affiliate Millionaire Club.

Another issue is that they use deceiving sales tactics to get you to join. By stating that there are only “so many” spots available they are trying to get you to act quickly without much thought. This is a sleazy sales tactic and it’s not true. Affiliate Millionaire Club is just there to take your money and that means they won’t turn anyone away.

In addition to all of this, Affiliate Millionaire Club claims that they are risk free. That’s not true because you are not likely going to make any money using their program, which means you will never recoup your membership fee. The company isn’t even BBB accredited—even though they claim they are—and that alone should send you running for the hills.

Now Affiliate Millionaire Club does deliver on one promise. The software does develop and deliver a website for you. The only problem is that this website is poorly done, not user friendly, extremely unattractive, and is only one page.

So yes, you get a website, but it provides little value because based on appearance along no one will actually take you seriously. The other issue with this is that Google will not think highly of your website in terms of ranking. Google does not like the “done for you” type of sites that are repetitive. This means that people will struggle to even find your poorly made website. Overall, Affiliate Millionaire Club just isn’t setting you up for success.

This product might have been more relevant before 2013 until Google cleaned up their search engine by banning all the websites that heavily promoted affiliate links and other garbage.


So how much is it to join Affiliate Millionaire Club? Well, it will cost you $47 to join. That doesn’t seem like all that much, but $47 will only get you the website—and a poorly done one at that. If you want to sell digital products on your website you will have to pay to join those programs to become an affiliate. These programs can cost hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars. In addition, you will also need to drive traffic to your website and it will take a lot because Google will likely rank it very low. These costs quickly add up. $47 doesn’t’ seem like a lot, but you will need to spend heavily to get up and running.

Pros / Cons


  • It helps to create websites for you


  • You won’t make any money
  • You will pay monthly fees for access to the software
  • You will be subjected to up-sells and other scam tactics
  • Not a program to learn online marketing
Who is it For?

Affiliate Millionaire Club is not a program that I can recommend for anyone. I’ve given it 1 star because they do deliver on the promise of a website, but everything else about the program is a complete scam. You aren’t actually given anything of value and are led on by false promises of making millions of dollars. Simply put, this is a program that everyone should stay away from. Even if you think it’s great for beginners because you’ll get a done for you website, it’s really nothing of value and you’ll be tossing your money down the drain.

If you value your time and want to learn step by step on how to build solid online business from the ground here is My #1 Recommendation that will get you started. It’s completely Free to start, transparent and legitimate.

Training Tools / Support

Another issue with Affiliate Millionaire Club is that there is very little training and support. You are provided a done for you website, but little information on how to best operate it. Learning marketing tactics and how to best utilize the site will be up to you. Of course, if you have questions you can submit a support ticket, but when clicking on the link you’ll see that they only take billing questions and that the support site isn’t even run by Affiliate Millionaire Club. This is just yet another red flag.

Final Opinion / Verdict

My final verdict on the Affiliate Millionaire Club is that it is not a program I can recommend. The program hypes itself up by claiming that members can make millions of dollars doing just 15 minutes of work a day, but this is just not true.

Don’t you think if their claims were true, that Affiliate Millionaire Club would be a highly popular topic? If we could make millions a year by working for 15 minutes a day, we probably wouldn’t be taking the time to write this article.

Just look how low traffic in Google for their product if you key in most popular keywords:

No surprise here, but Affiliate Millionaire Club is lying about their success stories. They’re doing it with paid actors too. So don’t waste your time on such products, they come and go as they don’t offer any real value.

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