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What Is Lifocity? New CBD MLM With Promising Opportunity?

Welcome to My Lifocity Review!
Despite the vast transition of the world, the use of CBD (Cannabidiol) is still limited. In fact, most countries still consider it a harmful substance. But over the years, a lot of multi-level marketing (MLM) companies have continuously sprouted offering CBD-infused products.
In this website alone, we’ve reviewed over a dozen programs, such as Xifra, Dose Of Nature, and First Fitness Nutrition just to name some.
Quick Summary: Lifocity is another e-commerce multi-level marketing company in the CBD (Cannabidiol) niche, which has been a bit saturated these days. Thus, it would be a challenge to market such products.
Taking also into consideration that there are cheaper alternatives and not to mention, the stigma with the use of CBD-related products. As we all know, the substance is still not legalized in most nations.
However, there are a couple of things to like about Lifocity such as the compensation plan that focuses on retail sales.
Overall Rating: 4/10
Recommended: No
Now, we will review a relatively new business on the block that sells and markets the same product called Lifocity?
It’s still relatively new in the industry; however, its income potential looks promising enough. How true is that?
Is Lifocity legit in the first place?
Will it help you make the decent income you desire?
Let’s see more in this Lifocity Review!
What Is Lifocity About?
Lifocity is a multi-level marketing (MLM) company that markets nutritional supplements and CBD products. The company is based in Texas, USA and it was founded in May of 2019 by a husband and wife team-up of Doug and Sheila Braun.
Doug Braun serves as the current CEO while Sheila Braun as the Chief Experience Officer.
Sheila Braun, as mentioned on the website, has 25 years of sales experience while Doug Braun was first known to be involved in another health and wellness MLM called USANA.
Before Lifocity, Doug was the Chief Marketing Officer of USANA and he held that position from 2011 to July of 2018.
As to why he left, we can’t be certain.
In addition to hustling his MLM jobs, Braun has also founded medical services and marketing companies.
Since CBD is the main product of this MLM, we will focus more on this.
For the benefit of the doubt, CBD or Cannabidiol is a chemical found in marijuana. CBD doesn't contain tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the psychoactive ingredient found in the plant.
The usual CBD formulation is oil but it can also be sold as an extract, a vaporized liquid, and an oil-based capsule.
While it’s known for its medicinal benefits, this substance is not legal in most states and nations so be careful in purchasing one. Double-check first if it’s allowed to be consumed in your area to avoid serious problems, such as getting prisoned.
Lifocity Product Line
As discussed, Lifocity markets and sells nutritional supplements, especially CBD products.
There are different brands present on their website, such as Envoi and Durt that they market through instead of their own label.
To give you a glimpse of their essentials, here are a few of their selections:
- Full Spectrum Hemp Oil $69.96 - A 500mg CBD bottle packed full of the beneficial compounds abundant in the hemp plant, including terpenes, cannabinoids, and flavonoids.
- Hemp Softgels With Curcumin $65.95 - A 25mg per softgel combines plant-based cannabidiol (CBD) and curcumin.
- Hemp Infused Cream (Instant Relief Cream) $45.95 - A 60ml tube soothing cream that smells great and is moisturizing to the skin and absorbs quickly without being sticky.
Do Lifocity Products Work?
About this, the company is pretty transparent that their claims would have to be approved by the FDA or Food and Drug Authority.
So product effectiveness may be dependent on the one using it and since there are still no approved therapeutic claims, we can’t be sure.
It’s also hard to find third-party reviews about their products. So, it’ll leave us to ask if consumers are happy about it or not. Perhaps you gotta try to find out.
Is Lifocity A Scam?
Lifocity is not a scam.
It appears to be a legitimate company that runs on a real business structure and with a legit product line.
There’s also a good potential that you can earn from these products through retail sales. Unlike most MLMs that put too much attention on recruitment, Lifocity, on the other hand, has a strong retail focus.
The challenge, however, is that it’s still basically new and has a lot to prove.
Yes, it's not a scam but selling CBD can be a challenge as the products infused with CBD are still questionable.
There’s still an ongoing debate about its efficacy and many are still skeptical about it being an alternative to commercial medicine.
Considering this, the market for their products is limited, too.
Is Lifocity A Pyramid Scheme/Ponzi Scheme?
Lifocity is a legit MLM opportunity.
The CBD market may be a challenging and limited one but compared to other MLMs, it’s less likely to be a pyramid scheme.
Members are still encouraged to recruit but they are only compensated once their downline or team makes a sale.
There’s also no promise of huge returns for the investment they made, thus it’s not a Ponzi scheme.
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Lifocity Compensation Plan
Lifocity’s compensation plan has a strong focus on incentivizing retail sales as compared to most MLMs who incentivizes recruiting people more.
So basically, you’ll earn income through:
- Retail Commissions -You’ll earn a percentage of retail commissions from the products you sell at retail price. As an affiliate, you’ll get an average of 15 to 25% discount purchasing their products at a wholesale price; the difference between retail and wholesale is gonna be your profit. Thus, your retail commission.
- Retailer Bonus - The bonus amounting between 40% and 50% based on the generated retail sales volume. It’s the 40% of 50% of sales volume generated by personally enrolled retail customers and the 5% on level 1 of the unilevel team, 10% on level 2, and 15% on level 3.
- Retail Commission Match - Members earn a percentage match of the retail commissions earned by their first three levels of their unilevel team.
Level 1 Brand Partners earn a 10% match on level 1
Level 2 Brand Partners earn a 10% match on levels 1 and 2
Level 3 Brand Partners and higher earn a 10% match on levels 1 to 3
- Lifocity Affiliate Ranks- Being an MLM, it also comes with affiliate ranks (along with respective qualification criteria per month):
To learn more about CBD, you can watch the video below:
How Much To Join Lifocity?
Signing up, you will have 2 options:
- Affiliate Influencer - It comes with a $10 annual membership. This is if you only want to earn from retail sales and don't want to build a network. In this option, you can choose from the Brand Experience Pack at $323 or choose your own products.
- Brand Partner ($30) Annual Membership - To qualify for the MLM opportunity, you need to pay a $30 annual membership fee and then you have to purchase one of the starter kits available:
- Brand Experience Pack for $343 (costs already come with the $30 membership fee)
- Lifocity Launch System for $599
Strong Focus on Retail
One thing commendable about Lifocity is its incentives on retail sales. It has broken the stereotype among MLM opportunities who are more focused on recruitment rather than sales. This is good that Lifocity has a strong retail focus as it avoids the company from being tagged as a scam.
Saturated Market
The CBD market may be limited but over the years, a lot of MLM opportunities have been established offering such products. CBD products are also crowding over e-commerce platforms, such as Amazon.
One search at Amazon and you’ll find a couple of CBD products that even come with a cheaper price. So, it’ll definitely be a challenge selling such products with a lot of MLM competitors and as well independent competitors out there.
Limited Market
CBD from Cannabis still has a lot of uncharted territories to break in terms of being medically and therapeutically beneficial and effective to people. Also, the fact that it’s still not legalized in most nations makes it a bit more difficult to market.
Many countries still consider CBD illegal simply because it’s a component of Cannabis and as mentioned, its efficacy is still in debate.
The good news is that Lifocity markets other health supplements that buyers can consume.
Not FDA Approved
Lifocity has been transparent about their products being not FDA tested and I commend them for such honesty. However, if there is no substantial scientific proof or approval from evaluating bodies, such product claims would be empty and worthless. Lifocity is pretty transparent that their products are not FDA evaluated and they are not intended to prevent, treat or cure any disease.
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Training Tools/Support
Lifocity was designed to appeal to a diverse audience and allow one to participate in the manner that best fits how they want to work, their personality, and their goals. So, being an Affiliate Influencer and a Brand Partner in Lifocity expect a community that shares the same vision.
You will have access to your Lifocity account and business tools and materials.
You can also contact Lifocity’s live support either by phone or online, whichever is more convenient to you.
Final Opinion/Verdict
Lifocity appears to be a legit MLM company and is not a scam. It’s also good that it’s pretty transparent and they have a strong focus on retail incentives. However, it’s still pretty new to conclude that it will do good.
The CBD niche is also a challenging one to market as it is saturated and there are a lot of cheaper and even better competitors. CBD is also not yet that welcomed in most countries as its efficacy is still under debate and it’s illegal on most borders.
They are also not FDA proven. So why sell such products that are still not scientifically approved or verified?
Yes, it could probably give you some income but it’ll probably first take a bulk of product sales to gain the income desired. There are definitely better opportunities than this. So for me, I am not recommending this one to you.
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Thank you for reading my Lifocity Review!
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